Tuesday 22 April 2014

Model Making skills

For my honours this year the brief said we needed to make a physical model to guide people through the store concept, but in a scaled down version. I decided to create my model out of acrylic and mount board as the design of the concession is based on being able to see right through in to the store, focusing on a feature wall of physical kimbles covering the back wall.

My main job today was to get my acrylic cut out on the laser cutter. I set up my artworker in Illustrator with the scaled down measurements for each piece. For cutting, the outline needed to be 0.02pt and RGB 255 – red and for engraving just needed to be black.

So I put my acrylic in to the laser cutter, with the wall panels, cash & wrap sections, floor plan etc and they all came out looking perfect. The only disappoint I had was that I put on the artwork mini hangers for the rails in my store – but they were so small they just melted away. So a rethink on this is needed.

Here is a sample I did of the feature wall - with the logo situated in the centre and inserting kimbles through the holes.

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