Friday 18 April 2014

Exhibition Designing

I haven’t been keeping you that updated on my exhibition design module so I thought I’d upload a few images to demonstrate what it going on through design concept stages. The idea for this module is to focus on your brand, how have I promoted the identity of the brand within the concepts of my store. Are there key focus points and hotspots? Is there a feature wall that takes centre stage? These questions are useful to ask myself as it helps me visualize the best way to promote the brand through an exhibition stand.

Some images still need rendering and putting in to context, displaying the structure to be presented to client. So here is just where I am up to:

Below is one of the first stages of putting the model in situ. At the moment I am playing around with ideas of how to display the final concept, as it is going to be based at London Fashion Week.
First rendered image - in situ

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