Saturday 15 March 2014

On the hunt!

Well today was an interesting day! As i have said I am currently in my last year of University and presently in the middle of my final honours project. My main focus is on kimbles (tags used for clothing) as I love the hazey effect they give. I purchased a kimble gun off ebay, then realised to create the 2 metre backdrop I probably needed another couple tagging guns.
So today's task was to try and gain an old or unused one of these guns. I must of tried every single store in my local shopping town, Bury and everytime I got the same answer, "No sorry, they are in use". I also went in to a store that said it was going in to administration, hopeful that this time it would be different but no, I still recieved the same answer. This was disappointing but I am going to try the charity shops too as they may have old ones not in use. So fingers crossed!

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