Wednesday 26 March 2014

Getting there...

In a few posts before I have explained about the final honours project for my BA course, focusing on kimbles. It has been painstakingly none-stop work on my backdrop and floor piece but I can finally announce that I have finished them! I can not express how happy I am to complete them as, to be honest, if I see another kimble again in my lifetime it will be too soon! 

My next job, in the morning, will be to start assembling my window-space, experimenting with the placement of props and how my mannequin will be styled. I have prepared two bags, both full of clothing items that I can swap and change depending on how the mannequin looks on the day. I am excited to get my space filled and then photographed as this will mean I can move on to editing my images in to final pieces. 

I will also be filming myself installing the window tomorrow, which is both to show that it was in fact myself producing the window and so I can create my own mini film at the end of it. I will, if everything goes to plan, upload a couple of images to illustrate my designs and to show you my ideas.

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