Wednesday 12 March 2014

Industry talks...

Ramsbottom Railway Signage

Oh, I forgot to mention about another opportunity that I have organised myself to attend. In a local art gallery back home a guest speaker is attending an open evening to discuss her occupation as an interior designer and how her role is suited in the current climate. 

Ramsbottom Art Gallery

Bridge Street, Ramsbottom

She is a freelance interior designer based in Ramsbottom and is currently working on a project recreating a client's home using select pieces of artwork from the gallery as statement features to tie the design together.
I will be attending the talk to gather information on the freelancing side of design, what struggles/ problems she might of encountered along the way and how I would feel starting along this career path. I hope that she will be able to answer some of my questions, for example how difficult is it to start your own business? How would I go about starting off my business? Etc. I have already spoke to the owner of the gallery to confirm dates and times and cheekily asked if I would be able to maybe have a one-to-one chat with the guest about any quires that may arise.. he said of course, no problem! 

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