Friday 11 April 2014

Final day at C21!

Work placement at C21
7th April-11th April 2014
My final day on the job! But today has defiantly been my favourite as I had so much to do. My first task was to send off the final joinery logo, the client chose their final design from a selection and it was then sent off as a JPEG & PNG. Next, I was persuaded that I needed to write  my own blog post - like all the work experience placements. I wrote a short section on what my experiences were, what I did and the things I had learnt. Not forgetting to say thank you to all the members of C21! Below is a link to the post:

C21 Blog post!
(I had to have my photo took for this too! Cringe)

After this I was asked to look at "One Minute Briefs" on twitter, a profile that dedicates itself to creating a design ad brief each and every day. Today it was based on F1 - Formula 1 racing - interestingly. So I created 2 ad campaigns that I thought worked well together, showing one of the designers - Neil. He asked if this was the side that interests me, which it is, I love thinking of unique and quirky ideas to advertise. He went on to show me a creative presentation - basically everything I needed to know about his side of the company. This was really intriguing to go through and he ended up sending me the presentation for me to refer back to. 
Below is one of my ad campaigns:

AFTER this I had another presentation but this time on "Production and Print" with Emma. As I have some knowledge of printing from my A-levels in Manufacturing Graphics I understood Emma when she was explaining "Litho Printing". I was able to comment and add my own input which I hope helped and impressed! Overall I had a very enjoyable day - and week. I met lovely people, creative types and unique marketers. At the end of the working day today I received a thank you for creating the joinery logo from Sally! How kind and a pleasant surprise! 

My present from Sally!
Lovely goodies!

This week has been an eye opener, as I dove in to the world of design and advertising. I have leant a lot on this placement and will keep in touch with the team on updates from Uni, work searches and more placements.

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