Friday 4 April 2014

Day trip out!

My trip out today!
So today I visited C21 in Altrincham. I traveled up on the Metro-link tram, which only took an hour in the end as I thought it would take longer. I traveled to visit the company and ask what is going to happen next week, my contact Cath, who I met today, was lovely! Cath showed me around the studio, introduced me to the team and had a brief discussion with me about the different sections I will be working in next week. Including accounting, creative, digital, with the art workers etc. 

I will be starting off my week with the health and safety areas, got to be done, then I will also be completing a creative test on Monday, not a test for any particular reason, just for myself really. The test decides how creative you are out of 100%, which will be interesting to discover!
Everyone I met this afternoon were very friendly and welcoming, making me even more excited for next week.

Overall, my placement will be filled with a mixture of different elements involving the company's sectors, getting a complete feel and insight of how the company works.

Work experience 7th - 11th April 2014

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