Tuesday 1 April 2014

C21 - Work Experience

Next week I will be starting one of my work experience placements at C21 in Manchester. My plan is to get the Metro-link tram from Bury as it is a straight through route and I will not need to think about parking the car!


So, this Friday I have planned to travel up to Altrincham (where C21 is located) to test the route giving me an idea of how long it takes and prices for tickets etc. This will also be a trip to visit the studio and formally introduce myself before I start on Monday 7th April. I feel that if I introduce myself beforehand I will be more comfortable when I turn up monday morning, but I would also like to ask them if I need to bring any of my own tools or equipment, laptop maybe or marker pens. 

As I am not sure exactly what I will be doing throughout the placement this will be an opportunity to enquire what is on the cards for me. I have emailed my contact for the company to inform them that I am coming to visit this week, just to pre-warn them!

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