Monday 7 April 2014

1st Day on placement!

So, the first day of my work placement is over... And so far so good! 
Really today was all about health and safety in the work place, so I did actually spend most of the day completing the fire safety and manual handling programmes. These weren't so bad, I passed with flying colours! So first test checked off I suppose.
Next, they told me about a test that you do online, which is linked to the IPA Institute of Practitioners in Advertising. This task tested out both sides of your brain, the left which is the intellectual and logical side, V.S. the right which is your creativity and imagination. My test results showed that both sides of my brain are equal, so I use both sides equally and integrate them together with all my work. This is useful to know as it shows I am capable of placing myself within a company, with skills that suit a selection of different areas.

I was also able to show one of the designers my digital portfolio, just to get his views and ideas on it. He actually said to me, by looking at my portfolio, that I seem very keen on store design. Which, in truth, we do focus on store layouts in Uni a lot, but I had not noticed that by inputing my best work in to my portfolio I did in fact put in a good chunk of it as store layouts! So this was interesting to get his point of view on my work, he suggested I look at a company they have dealt with in the past as they are experts at store design, exhibition design, etc. So, this will be my next email venture then!

My job for the rest of the day was to research new ways that the company can showcase their portfolio to clients, so instead of just the PDF file I was shown. More creative ways to display the portfolio.

Wonder what I will be doing tomorrow!

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